January 16, 2010

Reading Redux

Well, reading one book a week is going well. It's too bad I'm not smart enough to make that sentence a palindrome. I once wrote a poem that was a palindrome. Someday I'll post it. (It even sorta makes sense.)

Anyway, I think I may have to abandon the ten-pages-a-day goal. I often forget to read those pages and, to be honest, the Mahabharata and the Koran are a bit boring. I can't believe I'm about to admit this, but the Bible is actually interesting. I'm certain it's because I was raised in the West on the idea that a story is chronological and goes action by action. The Mahabharata is too much information packed into each page and the Koran is too much information told by the translator (not as though he were translating text, but as though he felt the need to make things clear). Otherwise the Koran is just a lot of praising, which is fine, but boring to read.

I think I bite off more than I can chew because I often feel lazy. One book a week is not very many. But maybe it's enough for a starter goal. This week, the book is The Virgin Suicides, by Jeffrey Eugenides. I'm also writing one short story this week, one chapter in novel #1 next week, once chapter in novel #2 the following week. Be ready for me to revise these goals often.

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