May 22, 2010

March 12! March 12!?! Gadzooks, Batman!

Yeah, I'm a friggin' lazy bum. Anyway, here's a random thought for the day to get me back into writing on here each day.

Let’s play a game where we make up a meaning for some of the random words generated by internet ID checker thingies. Today I got the word “liummure” and I just kept looking at it wondering if it’s a word. It isn’t. But what could it mean if it were a word? It rhymes with demure, mature, and endure. Sounds like lemons, linoleum, or illuminate. Begins with lie, ends with you, in the middle is “um.” Maybe it can mean, like, a selective truth? Like when you aren’t lying but instead you just aren’t telling the whole truth? You liummure the truth. Um…yeah.

I'm currently reading One More Day Everywhere on my Kindle PC. Which, by the way, is fantastic as the other day I realized I was watching a movie on my real PC, I had my netbook (which houses the Kindle) propped open in front of the PC screen, while eating dinner on the pull-out shelf that my keyboard sits on. HANDS-FREE READING! It...was...glorious. As it were.