January 23, 2010

Questions...the Stolen Idea

(I will not begin this post with the word "so.")

I'm stealing an idea from a few blogs I read, where I feel I've learned some important little things (and big things) about my friends by reading their answers to a few questions. I'm just glad this post isn't a rant about Late-Night-Talk-Show-Host-Who-Must-Never-Ever-Ever-Be-Named-Again-In-American-Society. You can devise for yourselves who I mean by that, whether it be whom America hates or whom I hate.

Anyway...onto the stealing. I took this list from here. I cut out two questions I thought were similar to the previous questions.

Great questions for anyone

What was the happiest moment of your life? Pass.

The saddest? I'd say the day my cousin Tim died. Probably because he wasn't far away, or someone I saw once a year or less, but was right across town and frequently at our house. I couldn't control my emotions in public, which I can't say for any other time.

Who was the most important person in your life? Why "was"? My mother. The thought of losing her makes me panic. It is one of the reasons I haven't moved out, and I know that makes me seem childish to some.

Can you tell me about him or her? She gives and gives, not without complaint. Her first husband died in Vietnam, her second was extremely physically abusive, and her third may not have much money, causing stress and worry all around, but he's around and he rarely gets angry.

Who has been the kindest to you in your life? Certain professors who never used their power to make me feel inferior or inept, and who never whined about how much harder it was when they went to school.

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in life? To apologize. I don't feel as though anyone has ever apologized to me when they've hurt me, and it has made me always want to be the one who steps up and faces embarrassment.

What is your earliest memory? The layout of the house when I was about two years old. Particularly the divide between the living room and the kitchen. The sliding glass door in the kitchen. There was a long hallway and the bedroom where I slept only had one incredibly small window (maybe 2 feet by 1 foot). I apparently was sick from the lack of light in that room.

Are there any words of wisdom you’d like to pass along to me? No.

What are you proudest of in your life? My education. I do believe I'm the first person in my extended family to go beyond college.

When in life have you felt most alone? Right now.

How has your life been different than what you’d imagined? I didn't imagine living at home and working at a clothing store at this point. But it's of my own doing.

How would you like to be remembered? As brilliant. I'm not going to lie or be cheesy. I want to write the book that wins a Pulitzer and which literature classes read for hundreds of years.

Do you have any regrets? That I doddled around for too long and am just now realizing it.

What does your future hold? A bagel with sundried tomato and basil cream cheese.

Is there anything that you’ve never told me but want to tell me now? Yes, but not now. Not yet.

Is there something about me that you’ve always wanted to know but have never asked? Plenty, but I don't ask. In the same way I don't ask people if I can hold their babies.

What was the happiest moment of your life? Publishing my Master's thesis, my way, my subject. That seems lame, but it's the one moment where I didn't back down and I feel proud.

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