November 4, 2013

The Short, Short Version #3

Week Ending 11/3/2013

Fear:  I have a tiny chip in one of my front teeth.  It is also slightly stained, so that when I look in the mirror I constantly worry it is a cavity and that, like my mother and sisters before me, I will someday be a toothless hillbilly.  This week, something got caught in the chip and made it look THAT MUCH worse and I freaked out and almost started crying in the bathroom at work.  Then I ran my tongue over it and it went back 'normal'.

Disgust:  I don't want to see pictures of the boil on your ass, Brother.

Sadness:  My father used to surprise me at work with a chicken sandwich and an orange float from Wendy's, usually on Sundays.  Last Sunday, when I was kinda hungry and we were busy and I wasn't sure when I'd get to run out for lunch, I started wishing he would show up again.  But...he won't.  Possibly ever again.  Because he's blind in one eye now and he can't drive and it's sad, the little things I never thought would come to an end.

Anger:  A few years ago, my brother found a camera in the park and turned it into the police.  No one claimed it and so they let my brother keep it.  He found out it was worth around $2000.  It was the find of a lifetime.  He loved that camera.  He had hundreds of pictures on it.  This week, he set it down on a table in our living room and - POOF! - it was gone.  Of course we can't prove who stole it, but it's obvious and frustrating and after everything he's going through right now it just broke his heart.

Happiness:  We got an extra discount on ONE sweater this week and I hemmed and hawed over what sweater to buy, because I'm not much of a sweater girl.  I decided to buy this long black cardigan with a long printed lapel.  It is the BEST DECISION EVER.  Warm, comfortable, and I feel like Janis Joplin.  Now, Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz?

Surprise:  I found out on Facebook that some friends of mine had a second child.  Like, he's a year-and-a-half or something.  Am I that dysfunctional?  Maybe...I should look into some therapy for my extreme anti-social behavioral issues.

Randomness:  I can't tell whether cars coming at me have their high beams on.  I also can't tell whether they're flashing their lights at me.  It is all so bright and every time they hit bumps it looks like the lights are flashing and I begin wondering what's wrong with my car and when I'm going to blow up.

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