October 24, 2013

The Short, Short Version #1

Week ending 10/20/2013.

Yes, I end weeks on Sunday.  Because Sunday is the last day of the week, not the first.

Fear:  My father ran into a wall on Saturday and cut his head open.  There were times on Sunday where we would ask him a question and he would just stare at us for a minute or so, then finally answer.  I told my mom he could have a concussion, or even have brought on another stroke somehow.  Did she take him to the ER?  Nope.  She let him sleep, a lot, for the next few days.  Sleep.

Disgust:  My nephew and my sister often don't flush the toilet.  After doing #2.  Because they do #2 before taking a shower, and they can't wait the thirty seconds it will take for the commode to stop interfering with the water.  I imagine them jumping - leaping - from the toilet to the shower because they can't lose thirty seconds.  Then they forget they did #2, and whoever goes in next has to take care of that.

Sadness:  I cried and cried the day I thought for certain we were finally going to have to take the cat the Humane Society.  After going for over a week without peeing on the steps, he suddenly peed on every one of them.  Thursday morning I got up and bawled in the recliner, clutching the cat, and it was an ugly, snotty, hitching, long sobbing session.  But he's still here.

Anger:  So, I'm a homebody.  I like to read, write, play video games, surf the net, etc.  I'm quiet and introverted and that's what I enjoy and what boils my blood is when people make snide comments about my hobbies.  The other day, Fucking Janet was talking to a friend of hers who had made a cute scarf after seeing how-to on Pinterest.  So Fucking Janet asked me, "Don't you go on Pinterest?"  Yes.  So she said, "Well, I don't have time to just sit in front of my computer doing nothing."  I told her lots of people do it from their phone and that a friend of ours who has three jobs is on there way more than I am.  Janet just rolled her eyes and asked who has time to do nothing like that?  Then later, our boss and her boss told Janet they go on Pinterest, and guess who asked me to help her set up an account and who denied that she ever made fun of it when I called her out on being two-faced?

Happiness:  (There was a long, depressing silence as I thought hard about this.)  The cat is still here.  (Another pause as I decide there must be something else.)  (Oh!) I finally bought the dry erase board / cork board combo I've been wanting at the local department store.  I have monthly, weekly, and daily goals.  One monthly goal is reading at least 5 books (it is thusly underlined on the dry erase board).  Weekly goals include writing so many pages, reading the Profile in the New Yorker, summarizing reading notes in my journal.  A particular daily goal is making sure I log into Facebook.  Once.

Surprise:  My eighteen-year-old niece wants a sex-change operation.  That's fine by me, whatever makes her comfortable in her own skin.  But, if you are going to reinvent yourself, and you can choose any name in the world, why...Brandon?

1 comment:

  1. Poor Basil. I'll keep you both in my thoughts.

    Brandon is a very middle-of-the-road name. I can see him not wanting to draw attention to himself. The only person I've ever known who transitioned from female to male when from "Kate" to "William."
