April 24, 2011

Bully Tactics

Sorry I haven't posted in a long time.


Anyway, I had a really bad day yesterday. A customer came into the store I work at to return some items that were damaged. The problem was she had clearly had the items for a long time and had clearly used them frequently. When I tried to explain why I was questioning how the items had become defective she blew up. She started yelling. She started screaming that she only had this problem when she tries to return items with me (establishing that she has a habit of returning questionable items). I tried to explain we have to be able to protect our company from people just returning items for any reason and we have to establish policies and she started cussing and making smartass remarks. Then she started threatening to call our corporate office to report me and to tell them she would just have to shop in another store from now on. That's when another manager stepped in, agreed with her that her damages might be a manufacturer's defect, and agreed to return the items. (One item wasn't as questionable as the other.)

While the other manager was looking for the items in the store, the angry customer began going up to other customers to tell them what a horrible person I am. You know what? I shouldn't have to take that because it's bullying. It was bullying the moment she raised her voice and especially when she tried to threaten my job by calling our corporate office. She knew I couldn't be smartass back to her; she knew I couldn't raise my voice back to her; she knew I couldn't go up to other customers and tell them what a horrible person she is. (I know I don't have to anyway - one of those customers came up to me and told me she thought the woman's behavior was totally inappropriate.)

But the point is now I have to worry about what's going to happen when she calls corporate. Because even though she got what she wanted, she's still going to call them and you know it. Are they going to tell me that despite what they say about returning used items I should have just understood that's all smoke and mirrors? I should never question a customer's return? We've turned down lots of returns in my years there and here's the great message I've learned: If you're nice and follow the rules you'll get screwed and if you're mean and throw a tantrum you'll get your way. Isn't that lovely? The other manager tried to remind me that from a business standpoint we were losing a few dollars but keeping her happy would get us a lot of money in return. That's all well and fine from a business standpoint, but what about from a human standpoint?

We've had plenty of customers leave with what we thought was an understanding of why we didn't let them return their items only to learn they called corporate after they left. So how does corporate expect us to make a decision, ever?

The truth is, I don't give a fuck about returning a damaged item. If the company told me tomorrow to never question another return? Cool beans because I could care less. But when they tell me out of one side of their mouths they have a "policy" then blow smoke about "the customer is always right" out of the other side - that's bullying too.

This is the very first time I've ever been complained about in 5 1/2 years of employment with this company. I have to call them and give them my side of the story on Tuesday (when I get back to work) and see how I should handle this customer in the future. They're going to tell me I was wrong - we're always wrong - or they're going to tell me I was right but then tell the customer I was wrong - which is something several employees say has happened. Usually they'll tell you that if that customer returns another questionable item, you should tell her you'll return it this time but it will be the last time she can return any item unless it is in original condition regardless of reason. But then the customer will try to return another used item and you'll stick to the "policy" you gave her before, but she'll call corporate who will call you and tell you to go ahead and return it for her and give her a coupon for her troubles. (This actually happened to my store manager.)

It's a gigantic bullying tactic and I'm not sure how tolerant of this outcome I'll be when I'm in the middle of it. Stay tuned.

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